Should you ever consider that you are having a bad day think on this: Norman (a showman friend) called last night, he's just returned from an intended several weeks in Spain - or at least until the money ran out. A few months back he and his aunt were burgled and their collection of Royal Dux figures were taken. The insurance company forked out £40k. |
Because his aunt didn't want to stay in the caravan that had been broken into he sold it and bought another. He also bought himself a BMW car and a 30' x 8' x 11' motorhome. Within days he crashed the BMW and thought he'd written it off, but the insurance said no and shelled out £10k to have it put back on the road.
Having had a solar panel fitted to the roof of the motorhome and a petrolyte gas tank fitted (petrol does 10 miles to the gallon, petrolyte gas 20 mpg), Norman set out for Spain. Once in Spain, having wiped out four wing-mirrors of other cars he topped it off by backing into a brand-new, latest model, sports car and reducing the back end to scrap metal. This was an irate owner and police job. Driving away, eventually, he wiped out yet another wing mirror, only this time the owner was on hand and gave chase. Prolonged negotiations took place.
Having by now run out of money, Norman headed for home. Driving via Bournemouth and Brighton he demolished yet more wing mirrors, a tree and several wheelie bins (garbage bins on wheels). He decided to visit friends in Stoke on Trent. In the Handsworth (Birmingham) area he fell asleep and sideswiped another car. The owner was a large, very large, black West Indian Rastafarian with attitude! This gentleman removed Norman's keys and wouldn't give them back until several 'guilty' statements had been made and indemnity given.
Norman proceeded to Stoke and on arriving at his friend's was surprised to see a neighbour rushing out waving her arms at him. On dismounting he too was alarmed to see smoke gushing from below the bonnet. Without hesitation he dived back into the motorhome and retrieved his valuables, including his clothes, just as the fire brigade arrived. The motorhome was a write-off.
Later, now driving his repaired BMW, he stopped at a cash point in Birmingham to get some money he left the car unlocked! On his return he found his new leather jacket gone and the radio! He now has four insurance claims against him, plus his own claims for the motorhome and the car radio. What do you think of his chances of getting a reasonable insurance quote next time?
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