Saturday 29 December 2007

The Story of Piglet and Kanga

During my three years at the University of Warwick there were many happy milestones to mark that particular journey, but by far the most memorable for me was the night I read a bedtime story.

Two attractive and nubile young ladies, all of nineteen years of age, (I was 45) were tucked up in their beds in their shared on campus accommodation. Both clutched their favourite teddies. One I recall named ‘Gorgeous’.

I was there by invitation and sat on one of the beds. I began reading the story of Piglet & Kanga from Winnie the Pooh.

I haven’t had a more attentive audience since I read stories to my own children.

As I turned the last page it came to my attention that I had ‘lost’ my audience – they were both fast asleep.

I closed the book, crept out softly, closed the door and revelled in the sheer magic of a moment I was privileged to share and have never forgotten.

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